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Key Takeaways  Promoting a culture where team members feel safe to speak up with candor to disagree or point out problems is not only healthy for organizations, but it can be essential for thwarting negative outcomes with potentially disastrous results. Leaders have a responsibility to promote this ...
Disclaimer: Jason Parks, president of The Media Captain, is the author of this article. Some resources within the article link to for more information. Key Takeaways: Time is on your side in your 20s Learn from your mistakes You have the ability to gain invaluable leadership skil...
Being a leader is a complicated job because it is not only about being business savvy. A leader also spends a lot of time dealing with the interpersonal aspects of the workplace. To excel at this, understanding the importance of emotional intelligence is the key. Emotional intelligence has been a ho...
Key Takeaways Ensure things are as they appear to be Build a culture of full accountability   While the title says it all, it is worth repeating: “The only good inspection is a surprise inspection.” While this seems to be straightforward, and at first glance might appear that no additional explanati...
Working from home is hard. As a leader, this is important to recognize — not only in yourself but your followers too. From little in-person interaction with people other than our families, blurred work-home boundaries, increased workloads and frequent video conferences, more and more people are repo...
Key Takeaways: Refocus on what’s important Prioritization increases capacity Inspire yourself and those you’re mentoring How often do you spend a little time thinking about (or pursuing) items on your bucket list? Do you even have one? Most of us have some things we’d like to do or accomplish in lif...
A few years ago, Ben Stiller starred in and directed a film adaption of James Thurber’s The Secret Life of Walter Mitty [1] . The plot centers around a daydreaming employee searching the globe for a photo negative. It is to be used for the final print edition of Life Magazine before the publication ...
We form solutions by better understanding problems Creative problem solving is often found in times of stress The world has felt upside down over the last month. With the COVID-19 virus being such a quandary and health professionals advising “social distancing,” many people have found work and other...
Key Takeaways To be a good boss, one needs important leadership skills. There are three major categories of leadership skills: self-leadership, relational skills and stewardship. It’s National Boss’s Day! This is a time for employees to show appreciation for their managers. The chances are not all e...
Key Takeaways: Leaders have the opportunity to grow during times of crisis. Significant growth comes from our experiences. The best way to leverage these times of growth is to anticipate what we can learn and then reflect on our insights. Leading in times of crisis can be extraordinarily stressful a...