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Key Takeaways Know what you are looking for Have an effective interview process Key elements of the decision-making process One of the most critical challenges encountered by an early-stage company is found in building the right team and “getting the right people” on the bus (1).  Having the best po...
The word culture comes up a lot when you’re talking about a team. It comes up even more when said team isn’t doing so hot. In reality, the coaches and leaders of the team want a culture of winning. That is why you don’t hear too much about the negative culture of a team if they are winning. A lot ca...
Last month I highlighted research about the three essential and three enabling conditions that drive up to 80% of a team’s effectiveness: Real Team, Compelling Purpose, Right People, Sound Structure, Supportive Context and Team Coaching This month, we’ll determine if we are even talking about a real...
While some office buildings have reopened their doors after closing due to COVID-19, more workers than ever are continuing to work from home for the foreseeable future. Maybe that’s YOU. So how do we stay connected to our teams while we continue to work apart? We know there are some benefits to remo...
We’ve all seen a news reporter in a hurricane — wet from the rain splattering their face, palm trees bent sideways from the wind, debris flying in the background causing untold destruction — just trying to do their job without getting injured. The uncertainty in today’s world might feel like we’re t...
Let’s celebrate the small wins – Things are changing in women’s soccer! Incredibly, the more successful and talented women’s soccer team will start earning equal pay to their counterparts. But let’s keep this in perspective to the rest of the women’s income compared to men. There is still a large ga...
Key Takeaways   Leaders can build strong teams by ensuring everyone understands the organization’s purpose, has role clarity and feels comfortable speaking up Bass’ transformational leadership theory provides a credible approach to ensuring purpose, clarity and psychological safety Building a strong...
Successful leaders in the modern world must be capable of adapting to new and shifting environments. If you’ve led teams and organizations, you know this statement to be true.    Just a few years ago, the U.S. workforce overwhelmingly reported on-site each day – with less than 5% of all working days...
On April 16, 2020, the federal government released guidelines on “Opening Up America Again” to help governors make decisions on when to lift shelter-in-place orders for employers and individuals across their states. Here in the state of Ohio, we have been on lockdown since March 23, 2020 – which wil...
Key Takeways: Communicate at all times Follow through on your word Live your values without compromise Have you ever been in a situation, within your control or not, when you have lost trust with your team? Perhaps it was a leader senior to you that made some decisions that affected you and your col...