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This article will support you to: Acknowledge some of the varied situations that leaders face Reflect on how to support employees Contemplate how to maintain balance Coming into a leadership situation, it is expected that you understand how to create structure, set up timelines, develop metrics, mon...
Key Takeaways Performative allyship—the rhetorical support of a diverse and inclusive culture that is not bolstered by meaningful action—leads to both tokenism and a toxic work culture.  Going beyond performative allyship requires leaders to be intentional, persistent, and accountable for the workpl...
“I need to get my steps in.” That is a common phrase you will probably hear today and know exactly what the person is referring to. If you would have heard that statement 10 years ago, you would have probably been confused. In the early 2000s, several tech companies launched programs that provided p...
This is the 52 nd “Tip of the Week” I have written. I wanted to use this important milestone piece to highlight one of the most important lessons I learned over the last year: “ Don’t be afraid to be great. ” Leadership development needs to be aspirational; that is why we constantly challenge our st...
When talking about leadership styles, we often think of leader behaviors and skills that are either good or bad. If you follow our blogs long enough, you might remember us frequently discussing the positive outcomes of transformational leadership style , ethical leadership and other traits of succes...
Takeaway: To be a more ethical leader, increase your self-control Self-control is an often-overlooked leadership behavior. Do a quick search, and you’ll find self-control articles connected to athletics but few connected to business and leaders. It is discussed in sports as the traits of self-discip...
Creativity is often critical to business success. It helps engage customers, solve problems and drive innovation. That is common knowledge for many leaders. But what’s not always known: How does one foster such creativity? We have an answer for you — one we can back up with research. Our research te...
Mike DeWine, governor of Ohio, declared a state of emergency on March 9 when three cases of coronavirus infection had been confirmed (4 days before the White House declared national emergency). Together with Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, DeWine continues to announce decisions on canc...
In an era where the lines between our professional and personal lives blur more each day, the quest for effective leadership takes on new dimensions. Gone are the days when leaders were viewed as unemotional executors, valued primarily for their ability to make strategic decisions and drive business...
Key Takeaways: Intercollegiate athletics plays a critical role in environmental sustainability   Protecting the environment is not a spectator sport; we all have a role to play, and it requires daily leadership.   “We cannot solve the problems we have created with the same thinking that created them...