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Are your emails piling up? Unread text messages got you bogged down? Are you feeling overcommitted? ...I just returned from vacation, I’m halfway through my first day back, and already I feel like I need another vacation. Don’t get me wrong – my vacation was relaxing and helped me recharge. What tir...
Key Takeaways: Humility maximizes team performance Humble leadership can be fostered through six behaviors Though humility is increasingly being recognized as a key trait of effective leaders — a finding backed by scientific research — everyday examples of humble leadership in popular media and film...
I am always amazed and amused by how creative people are on April Fool’s Day. Some pranks are in fact the most inventive ideas I could ever imagined. Do you know that government of The Netherlands announced on April 1 st , 2019 that all trains and train stations would be closed at the end of April f...
Feedback is a gift, and it’s always better to praise in public and punish in private. Leaders should always be developing other leaders. Leadership development can often be as easy as providing feedback to team members. This response can be delivered in the form of praise or punishment. If you are o...
It was complete chaos and things were not looking good. We had made contact with the enemy and our team was in disarray. We had lost contact with two of our team members. Things were in dire straits and we had to get it turned around immediately. This sounds like a battlefield, but it was actually 3...
I get this question a lot, “What leadership advice would you give to new managers?” Honestly, being a new manager is exciting. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran in a new role or a brand new leader,  everyone will be watching you. One of the most important things I have learned in more than 30 years ...
For decades, researchers have tried to figure out ways to sustain a team’s performance, satisfaction, and well-being for each member. Shawn Murphy’s book, Work Tribes: The Surprising Breakthrough Performance, Astonishing Results and Keeping Teams Together, seems to have found an essential key to thi...
Hard work or work hardening? It’s late January, 7:10 a.m., in the Ohio State football weight room. There are 304 days till Ohio State plays “That Team Up North.” Some men are straining, grinding, digging deep while others are struggling, fatigued and losing the mental battle while looking for an opp...
Part 2 in a series. Read part 1 here . The United States Army Ranger School is a demanding leadership course that takes volunteer Soldiers of all ranks out of their comfort zones, puts them in an austere environment, takes away all authoritative leadership tools and still demands leaders get results...
Key Takeaways : Playing favorites is counterproductive and jeopardizes team effectiveness. Awards and punishments must be administered equally across organizations to avoid favoritism. Have you ever been on a team and noticed that some people seemed to receive preferential treatment, or maybe weren’...