Corporate Advisory Council Member Profile: Veronica Knuth

The Fisher Leadership Initiative has recently launched its Corporate Advisory Council – a group of high-profile, Fortune 500 leaders across Central Ohio to discuss pressing leadership and leadership development issues facing organizations and support Fisher in developing relevant content, pursuing new research and creating new services that will help fill the leadership void across organizations. 

The following profile from Veronica Knuth, Chief People Office at Quantum Health reveals her reasons for joining Fisher's Corporate Advisory Council and her personal insights on leadership.

Q: What was your motivation for joining the Fisher Leadership Initiative’s Corporate Advisory Council?

I am passionate about finding relationships that are mutually beneficial and that lift up the collective capability of businesses, teams and individuals.  I believe that the Fisher Leadership Initiative does that.

Q: What can businesses/organizations learn about leadership from institutions such as Fisher College of Business? And vice versa?

I think furthering university’s reach into corporate learning benefits the workforce and the university’s knowledge of workforce needs.

Q: What does effective leadership look like?

I think effective leadership is ensuring that employees have everything they need to be successful in whatever roles, circumstance or strategies they are engaged in.

Q: What is the best leadership advice you have received?

Don’t underestimate the power of transparent communication.

Q: How will this council impact the community or business community in any meaningful way?

I think any partnership between public learning institutions and business creates strong pathways to employment and growth.


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