Let’s Talk About Organizational Values

I believe in the power of love and truth.  My faith has taught me to be respectful of human life, to help the poor and aged and in all things, to be humble.  The CRC founders believed in reaching out to those in need, offering a helping hand up through building community relationships and paying it forward.  Through almost fifty years of social services, we are a model for other social service organizations through these core values:

  • Justice-We are an advocate for members of the community, striving to ensure equality and fairness in all CRC efforts.
  • Adaptability- We are flexible in responding to community needs and rigid in adherence to our mission.
  • Efficiency- We are a good steward with the resources entrusted to us and work to make the largest possible positive impact with our efforts.
  • Engagement- We are involved in our community. We are constantly aware of issues in our area, and we will demonstrate this awareness by encouraging and participating in communication within this community.
  • Dignity- Our work is characterized by our respect for the self-sufficiency, self-worth, social integration and self-determination of the people we serve. We will work to increase the choices for members of our community and pledge to treat people’s information in a responsible manner.

In 2015, I suggested a training on compassionate communication for the Columbus Federation of Settlements (CFS) annual conference. We hired the Compassionate Communication Center of Ohio to deliver the keynote address. The goal of compassionate communication is to reduce or eliminate the threat of violence that is caused from a lack of understanding of and empathy for another individual.

These are essential ethical skills that aim to help people communicate civilly with each other. These skills can help in situations where a crisis has reduced a person’s capacity to communicate clearly. Communication misunderstandings that can escalate these situations can reduce the likelihood that an organization like the CRC can be effective in its mission.

Practicing our core value of engagement, I am passionate about letting people from all walks of life know about trauma and early brain development.  I helped create a pamphlet describing how the Adverse Childhood Experiences score (ACEs) measures and is predictive of later health issues.  The higher the score, the higher the chances of developing disease, depression and social problems; including higher incidences of incarceration.

I have asked all of my associates and family to join the movement to end this cycle of violence by learning more about this health crisis, its prevention and treatments. CRC, with a small grant from ADAMH, now has a pamphlet available to visitors to our Family Services Center titled “Resilience and ACEs Adverse Childhood Experiences”. For more information on how one community keeps this movement going, go to this link.

One of the ways I promote our core values on a weekly basis is by printing inspirational quotes by great leaders, such as Jane Addams and Abraham Lincoln, on our employee timesheets.  Often a quote will be printed on the staff meeting agenda.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."                    -- Abraham Lincoln

“The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life.”

― Jane Addams                                                                                                                                

Another best practice that I have shared with CRC leaders is the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability.  These standards were developed to foster public confidence in charitable organizations. The 20 standards seek to encourage fair and honest solicitation practices, to promote ethical conduct by charitable organizations and to advance the support of philanthropy.

The CRC has followed its charitable guiding principles to serve the community for almost 50 years, believing in justice and dignity for all, and carrying out its mission with adaptability, efficiency, engagement, compassion and truth.

We hope you are able to glean some insight and apply this to your organization.


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