The Power of Goal Setting

“I need to get my steps in.”

That is a common phrase you will probably hear today and know exactly what the person is referring to. If you would have heard that statement 10 years ago, you would have probably been confused.

In the early 2000s, several tech companies launched programs that provided people with a convenient way to track their steps. The companies quickly added goal-setting functions that made the concept go viral. Meeting your daily steps goal has become a part of our everyday life.

This situation highlights the power of goal setting, which is a great tool for leaders because it provides focus and motivation while helping leaders manage time and balance resources.

Leaders can improve their goal-setting skills by clarifying the gap between the current state and their end state at goal accomplishment. Leaders can then develop a strategy to close the gap by completing smaller, more manageable steps and milestones.

This concept is evident in the success tech companies have had in changing our behaviors. People are now more focused than ever on being active, which is a key part of the larger goal to be healthier.

Next time you look at your phone or watch to see how many steps you have in today, ask yourself how you can use setting goals with your team.



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