Leadership Tip of the Week: Memorial Day
On this Memorial Day, take a moment to appreciate the freedom to choose your own leadership journey.
Memorial Day is a day set aside for us to remember and honor those who died while serving in the U.S. Military. Leadership development is a freedom we often take for granted. There are many countries where it is oppressed or suppressed. Potential leaders are denied opportunities so that those who are in power can keep their power. The freedoms we have today, in this country, are ours because someone before us was willing to die to protect them.
So, how do we honor those who have sacrificed everything for our freedom? We honor them by being our best selves and the best principled leaders we can be.
This weekend provides a great opportunity for reflection. Take a few minutes and reflect upon where your leadership journey has taken you thus far and where it is going. The great thing about our freedom is that who we become can be different than who we were. We have the freedom to develop and grow into whatever kind of leader we want to be. This is an incredible opportunity we shouldn’t take for granted.
Use this week to become better — in honor of those who have sacrificed everything.
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