Athlete Activism and Leadership

"Why not us? Why not now?"

The refrain and inspiring battle cry of the 1995 Orlando Magic basketball team has once again ignited within the hearts and minds of athletes today — this time among those who have become activists for social change. Athlete activism is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, there have been countless examples of athletes who have stood up and fought for a cause in which they passionately believed.

As the fight against social injustices continues today, athletes from various levels, sports and demographics have found themselves leading the way in demanding change and accountability. As powerful as their collective platform may be, it is the utilization of stated platform and united voices where the true power rests. I fully recognize and acknowledge that not all athletes participate in or agree with the activism we are witnessing within sports today. However, I do believe it is important to shed light on the manifestations of leadership demonstrated through athlete activism.

Athletes have and continue to exhibit tremendous leadership by rising to the occasion and uniting for a cause greater than themselves. As a leader, could others count on you to do the same?

Athletes are using their voices to speak out against racial injustice, police brutality and systemic issues plaguing our society today. As a leader, could others count on you to do the same?

Athletes have shown they know what’s at stake and inspired others to action — all while demanding accountability from those with power. As a leader, could others count on you to do the same?

We are on the precipice of change within our society today, and we need leaders who are and can be champions for a world reimagined; where Black lives matter, and equality and social justice are not just talking points but are truly the ways of life.

We are currently in the midst of chaos, and we need leaders who are willing to call a timeout to help us refocus and remain steady during these extraordinary and unprecedented times. We have found ourselves consumed with distractions — where as a society we have made the unfathomable choice of prioritizing politics over humanity.

Through their collective activism and critical hope, athletes have given us a leadership game plan for achieving and envisioning a better tomorrow and a brighter future. Furthermore, they have extended an invitation to all those willing to join the fight for social justice, equality and the quest to dismantle systems of oppression.

Athletes have been and continue to be the architects of powerful social movements within our society and culture. However, now is the time we recognize athletes beyond their sports identities. At the end of the day, they are more than athletes; in this crucial moment, they are people displaying incredible leadership at a time when it is needed most.

There is no doubt that the path forward will be challenging, but when leaders allow their actions to be guided by their values, it makes a tremendous difference. So, as a team of leaders, two important questions remain:

Why not us? Why not now?

As always, history will record our response.


Image Credit: Gary Cosby Jr. at The Tuscaloosa News


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