Artificial Intelligence: A Future Aid for Leaders?

Could artificial intelligence be used to help reduce the burden for leaders when making decisions? A recent study is underway to find out.

A program was created within The Ohio State University College of Nursing that uses AI analytics to model and predict both functional goals for the college along with academic needs. This information is then used to make sure both resources and expectations are at appropriate levels for providing the right education to nursing students. The research was funded by the Fisher Leadership Initiative.

More specifically, the program would be to maximize the depth, breadth and usability of the information contained within the large amount of data within the college. All of this data has been collected for leaders to make crucial decisions.

In order to conduct the study, the program is focusing one part of their work on grant applications. Researchers, at the time of this article, are working to create a dashboard that will allow college leaders to see what funding will be available to manage both research and fiscal interests.

Another piece of the project is the creation of a dashboard that will visualize data relating to real-time student recruitment and application information. The dashboard allows administrators to drill down to specific demographic characteristics of applicants and know — at a glance — how many students have applied, how many have accepted admission and at what academic level.

Furthermore, this dashboard makes it possible to merge data from different sources to create meaningful snapshots that inform leadership decisions about teaching resources, which is especially important during times of crisis such as those related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The results of this study could very well impact how future leaders make decisions. Stay tuned!  

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