Waleed Muhanna
Professor Muhanna’s current research focuses on information technology strategy, business analytics, assessing the business value of information technology, and understanding the impact of information technology, including the Internet, on organizations and markets. His other research interests include trust and reputation online, e-commerce strategy, model and database management systems, and system performance modeling and evaluation. Professor Muhanna has published numerous articles in scholarly journals, including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Decision Sciences, the Journal of Information Systems, the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, European Journal of Operational Research, Computers in Human Behavior, and the Annals of Operations Research.
Professor Muhanna’s teaching and consulting activities span a number of areas, with particular emphasis on e-commerce, data management and mining, and information systems strategy. Professor Muhanna served as Vice-Chair of INFORMS' Information Systems Society, and currently serves as an Associate Editor at Management Science and on the editorial boards of other leading academic journals, including Information Technology and Management, and the International Journal of Accounting Information Systems.
- PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- MS, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- BS, The University of Tulsa
- ACCTMIS 3600 - Introduction to Accounting Information Systems
- The design of accounting information systems; focus is on business processes and internal control. Prereq: 3200 or 521, and BusMHR 2292 (BusAdm 499.01); or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 631.
- ACCTMIS 7640 - Data Mining for Business Intelligence
- A theoretical and practical understanding of core data mining concepts and techniques and hands-on experience in applying these techniques to practical real-world business problems. Prereq: MBA 6211 (800), or enrollment in MAcc program.
- ACCTMIS 4998H - Research
- Special topics research in accounting and/or management information systems; research evaluated through papers, thesis, and/or special examinations. Prereq: A grade of B or above in 3201H, or permission of Honors Accounting Director. Not open to students with credit for 783H. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr hrs or 3 completions. This course is progress graded.
- ACCTMIS 3600H - Introduction to Accounting Information Systems
- The design and control of accounting information systems. Prereq: Honors standing, and 3100H; or permission of instructor.