Author: Kelly Reo

May 14, 2024
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At the Center for Operational Excellence, we're committed to helping your organizations develop the skills to make data-driven decisions, transform products and processes, and maintain a competitive edge. The ability to effectively analyze, interpret, and present data is an indispensable skill for OpEx leaders and process improvement practitioners. In today's data-driven landscape, we believe proficiency in communicating with data is key to making informed decisions and driving impactful change.
February 12, 2024
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The new year is well underway, and the Center for Operational Excellence is looking forward to the connections to be made and the programming to be shared that will help your organizations build resilience and adaptability in 2024. We know that many of our member companies are experiencing organizational change stemming from leadership transitions, emerging technology, economic constraints, and a host of other factors.You’ve likely heard it said that the only constant is change, and it’s clear that meeting the demands of an ever-changing landscape is no easy task.
November 29, 2023
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As we consider today’s economic landscape, the need for lean leadership has never been more pronounced. In recent conversations with many of our member organizations, we’ve heard time and again of cost-cutting measures, far-reaching impacts of the pandemic, and ongoing hiring and restructuring challenges that have resulted in smaller workforces. Leaders are being challenged to do more with less. We know that lean principles promote efficiency, waste reduction, and continuous improvement, allowing organizations to optimize their processes and resources.