Category: MAcc

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Author: Brig Taylor,  MAcc
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Life as a Master of Accounting (MAcc) student at The Ohio State University is fast-paced and demanding, with coursework, projects, and career planning requiring sharp focus and strong time management. Despite these challenges, maintaining balance by staying organized, building relationships, and embracing moments of fun is key to success. The academic rigor of the program sharpens problem-solving skills and fosters collaboration, preparing students for high-pressure roles. Effective organization tools, like Google Calendar, help manage group projects, case studies, and CPA exam preparation. Connecting with peers and faculty through networking events and team projects is equally important. These interactions build a support system and create professional relationships that extend beyond the program. Physical activity provides a mental reset, whether through gym routines or attending Buckeye basketball and football games. Such activities reinforce the importance of self-care alongside academic pursuits. Embracing Columbus’s vibrant offerings, from sporting events to local restaurants, further balances the demanding schedule. Ultimately, the OSU MAcc program is a stepping stone to future success. Staying focused on long-term goals, while prioritizing relationships and moments of joy, ensures students remain motivated and well-rounded amidst the chaos.
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As my graduation in May approaches, I’m amazed at how much Fisher’s two-semester MAcc program at The Ohio State University has aided my job search. In just a few months, I’ve gained valuable professional connections, explored potential employers, and received incredible guidance from faculty and alums—all of which have set me up for success.
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Building Bonds Through Group Projects in  the Fisher MAcc Program One of the defining features of the Fisher MAcc Program at The Ohio State University has been the prevalence of group projects. Nearly every class involves working in teams, which, while challenging at times, has proven to be one of the most rewarding aspects of the program.
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Are you thinking about attending Ohio State University? If so, you’re probably excited about the academic challenges, a wide network of professionals, and limitless opportunities. But being a student can get busy, and managing it all can feel a little overwhelming. Between classes, work, personal time, and extracurriculars, you can feel like you're walking a tightrope.