Category: Fisher College of Business

Author Profile
Author: Brig Taylor,  MAcc
Author Profile
As my graduation in May approaches, I’m amazed at how much Fisher’s two-semester MAcc program at The Ohio State University has aided my job search. In just a few months, I’ve gained valuable professional connections, explored potential employers, and received incredible guidance from faculty and alums—all of which have set me up for success.
Let's find some activities outside Columbus.
As I step back onto campus, the humid New Jersey air still clinging to my memories, I can't help but feel a sense of transformation. As part of my Full-Time MBA program this summer, I embarked on an internship that would challenge, inspire, and ultimately reshape my professional trajectory.
Join me for a brief recount of how the first two games I ever attended in the U.S. were and a potential interesting tidbit for your trivia.