Category: Graduation
Career Stuff, Fisher College of Business, Graduation, MAcc, Professional Development, Alumni and Current Students, Fisher Faculty and Staff
As my graduation in May approaches, I’m amazed at how much Fisher’s two-semester MAcc program at The Ohio State University has aided my job search. In just a few months, I’ve gained valuable professional connections, explored potential employers, and received incredible guidance from faculty and alums—all of which have set me up for success.
For my final blog post of the year, I wanted to take some time and reflect on my experience in the MAcc program and give my major takeaways.
My post-MBA reflections on the value of a graduate degree in the professional world.
Hear about my experience in the MAcc program and find some takeaways that will help you succeed.
It’s hard to believe the MAcc Program is already coming to an end. These nine months have truly flown by in a flash. It seems as though it was yesterday when I was still adjusting to a virtual graduate school environment. However, this past year has brought many learning skills and advice I want to pass on to incoming students.