Tags: #GraduateAccountingProgram

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Before the MAcc Program Choosing a graduate program is a big decision. A year ago, I was in the same position as many prospective students—researching different programs, weighing my options, and trying to figure out the best next step for my career. Looking back now, as I approach graduation, I can confidently say that choosing the Fisher MAcc Program at The Ohio State University was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
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Author: Brig Taylor,  MAcc
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Building Bonds Through Group Projects in  the Fisher MAcc Program One of the defining features of the Fisher MAcc Program at The Ohio State University has been the prevalence of group projects. Nearly every class involves working in teams, which, while challenging at times, has proven to be one of the most rewarding aspects of the program.
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Are you thinking about attending Ohio State University? If so, you’re probably excited about the academic challenges, a wide network of professionals, and limitless opportunities. But being a student can get busy, and managing it all can feel a little overwhelming. Between classes, work, personal time, and extracurriculars, you can feel like you're walking a tightrope.
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My first week at The Ohio State University has been a whirlwind of activity and excitement. From orientation to free pizza in the grad lounge, I've already made new friends and begun gaining valuable personal and professional experiences.