Tags: Self-Awareness

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Athletes are given a huge opportunity to be role models. But should they choose to accept the mantle of leadership it brings?
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Do you expect male and female leaders to emotionally react to stress differently?
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Start your new year with our January 2019 pick!
There are many traditions and important figures associated with the holiday season. One of those popular individuals is Buddy, the main character in "Elf" (2003). Buddy is a lovable character who can teach us an important lesson in leadership. Buddy’s journey highlights the importance of value clarification. Luckily for most of us, we don’t have to pass through the seven levels of the Candy Cane Forest or the sea of swirly-twirly gum drops. Buddy makes this trip to discover who he is.
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Having “survey fatigue” from taking too many surveys from your organization? Are they worth your time?