Category: SMF

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The past two months have been a little hectic for me, as I threw myself headfirst into the recruiting process. However, now after what feels like a million interviews, I can happily say I have a job lined up for after my graduation from the Specialized Master’s in Finance Program. Today, I thought I would share what the recruiting process looked like for me and give you some tips I picked up along the way.
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A look into my 3 favorite places on campus and what makes them so great.
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When I entered the SMF program and heard there was an intensive 2-week preterm financial basics training course, I really had no clue what to expect. All I really knew was the course name, Financial Analysis and Valuation, and when to be on zoom the first day. That’s why I thought for my very first blog post it would be a good idea to shed some light on this course.