Category: MAcc

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Hear about my experience in the MAcc program and find some takeaways that will help you succeed.
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About a year ago I faced an important decision on which school I would choose to pursue my Master of Accounting. Many of you are in the same boat, so here are some factors I considered in reaching my decision.
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If you've been following my blog posts, you know that last semester I made it a personal goal of mine to have completed all four CPA sections by 2022. With my successful passing of BEC on December 16th, that was the culmination of my CPA journey, and I was free after that. Man, it was a weird feeling. I no longer had to spend every waking moment studying; there was no test date to have anxiety over. I was free in a sense. The looming question was, what was I going to do with all this free time? My passing of the CPA also coincided with winter break, giving me double the free time.
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As a student who grew up in a warmer climate, I experienced a learning curve living in the colder Ohio winters. Here are some of my takeaways!
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Opportunities to release stress and enjoy a break from studying.