Category: Europe

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Can't decide on where to go on the Student Exchange Program? Well, Madison Kelly is here to tell you why you should go to Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Business, fashion, food, culture, the university... there is an endless list to why she fell in love with Milan, and why she thinks you should go to Italy!
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Your not alone of feeling that the process to travel several miles away to start life in a new country daunting. Madison Kelly felt exactly that way, but through trial and error, living in the dorms, participating in a Italian crash course at Bocconi University, staying positive and keep trying, she have found footing to call her new city her home.
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While spending her semester at Ecole de Management Strasbourg in France, Anatarra Anandan took time traveling through the country of France. She shares her highlights of her weekend trip to one of these French cities, Nice. As a self proclaimed foodie and travel bug, Anatarra shred her expert advice on what you should eat/do while traveling in Nice.
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Diving into a new education system in France on the Student Exchange Program, Antaraa Anandan writes about how she has been able to adjust to the differences between her classes at Ecole de Management Strasbourg and OSU. The thing she enjoys the most is how diverse her peers are in the classes, coming from Argentina, Japan, around Europe, and many more from around the world.
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Did you want to learn about Dutch buisness etiquette, and excuses they use when they are late to meetings? Polina Elagin provides us tips on how to navigate it. By gaining insight from a local manager, Polina learns about the differences in the work place between the US and the Netherlands.