Tags: RSM

Growing up in the Midwest for most of her life, Polina Elagin writes about the wonderful cultural events she has been able to experience through her Student Exchange Program at the Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) in the Netherlands. From walking around the Christmas Night Markets to getting a first hand look of the Dutch holiday, " Sinterklass", Polina walks us through the cultural events she encountered while overseas.

Activities: Career/Professional Interaction, Activities: Partner University, Europe, Fisher College of Business, Student Exchange
Did you want to learn about Dutch buisness etiquette, and excuses they use when they are late to meetings? Polina Elagin provides us tips on how to navigate it. By gaining insight from a local manager, Polina learns about the differences in the work place between the US and the Netherlands.

Polina Elagin, reflects about her time spent abroad at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), a Student Exchange Program located in the Netherlands. Although she initially was hesitant about her choice to study overseas, she quickly learned to adapt to her surroundings and fully appreciate all of the new experiences she was able to have.