Category: Activities: Culture

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Reflecting on her Student Exchange Program to Bocconi University, Italy, Robyn Strauss shares her travels, what she misses from abroad, and the challenges re-adjusting in the U.S. She ends with the comment "Being abroad has taught me so much about myself and the world"
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Robyn Strauss explained one of her classes "Management of Fashion Companies" at Bocconi University, Italy, as she studies abroad on the Student Exchange Program. From learning a unique perspective of Italian Luxury brand companies in class to working on a group project of a selected Italian fashion brand, she observed business culture of the artistic, passionate, and serious business professionals in Italy, and the difference from the U.S. work culture.
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Three months into her Student Exchange Program at Bocconi University (Italy), Robyn Strauss reflects on her few successes and challenges staring her student life in Milan, Italy!
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Curious what academics are like on the Student Exchange Program? Lisa Lin describes her experience studying abroad at Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore, to give you a peek to the academic experience abroad. She explains her coursework pertaining to supply chain, her professional interactions, networking opportunities, and takeaways from studying abroad.
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Want to hear about the real life experience living abroad/ Lisa Lin shares all the advice she wishes she had known before her semester abroad in Singapore on the Student Exchange Program. She covers everything from finding housing to where to buy groceries.