Category: MAcc

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My name is Qingyuan; I am currently a student in the Master of Accounting program here at Fisher. I would like to share three tips for balancing a job search and keeping up with coursework. The beginning of the program is always the busiest if you are seeking a full-time job after graduation while also trying to perform well in core courses. Tip No. 1: Begin your job search process early 
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Hi, future Buckeyes. My name is Qingyuan Dong, and I am currently both a student and graduate ambassador of the Master of Accounting program at the Fisher College of Business. I grew up in Shanghai China before I came to THE Ohio State University. I graduated from Fisher with my BSBA degree in Finance, Marketing, and Economics and with Honors in Business Administration in May 2022. In addition to the world-class academic experience, I have also joined many student organizations and formed many meaningful relationships with both my professors and peers.
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Well this is the end! In a little under two weeks I will be officially done with the Master of Accounting Program at the Fisher College of Business. As I look forward to graduation, I'm also looking back on what a year it's been. We had a weird year as the first half still had covid restrictions that eventually lifted come fall. In person events were hit or miss, class was done in masks, and overall there was a lot of just differences between our year and other years. I am glad that most of our classes were in person, but it was nice that a lot of times we had an option to go online.
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Hear about my experience in the MAcc program and find some takeaways that will help you succeed.
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About a year ago I faced an important decision on which school I would choose to pursue my Master of Accounting. Many of you are in the same boat, so here are some factors I considered in reaching my decision.