Category: Graduation

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My journey as a graduate student at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business is coming to an end, and oh, what a journey it has been! During my four years of undergraduate and 1.5 years of graduate school here at Fisher, I have become better, faster, and stronger. Read more to see what I have accomplished, both tangible and intangible during my time as a double buckeye. And as always, GO BUCKEYES!
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As my graduation in May approaches, I’m amazed at how much Fisher’s two-semester MAcc program at The Ohio State University has aided my job search. In just a few months, I’ve gained valuable professional connections, explored potential employers, and received incredible guidance from faculty and alums—all of which have set me up for success.
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For my final blog post of the year, I wanted to take some time and reflect on my experience in the MAcc program and give my major takeaways. 
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My post-MBA reflections on the value of a graduate degree in the professional world.
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Hear about my experience in the MAcc program and find some takeaways that will help you succeed.