Category: Full Time MBA

Ever since I made the vital decision to pursue an MBA, it has been all about balancing college studies while being on top of the internship hunt. This month started with the exhilaration of the much-anticipated NBMBAA (National Black MBA Association, Inc.) Conference. While participating in several career fairs and networking outside of it was a huge help, nothing compared to the NBMBAA Conference. With 250+ companies arriving at the fair, I felt like a child with a box of chocolates unable to choose the best one.

So far in my MBA journey, I have experienced some of the longest and busiest days of my academic career. Below is an outline of a regular day for me here at Fisher:
5 am- Work out, get ready for school, have breakfast, and catch up on some readings before class
8-12 pm- Back-to-back classes
12-1 pm- Club meeting
1-3 pm- Work at the Graduate Programs Office and eat lunch
3:30 pm- Team meeting with my core team to discuss a class project

Every week of my MBA journey at the Fisher College of Business has been intriguing in its own way – and last week was all about the NBMBAA Conference in the beautiful city of Atlanta.
Looking back at the first half of the fall semester, there are tons of differences between the two years of the MBA program. During the first year, the class sizes seem smaller since there is only one common class with other classes being electives. The year is more focused on your choice of specialization and you spend more time with people who are interested in similar fields. I had come into to program stressed about the job market after COVID and the low turnout at career fairs only added to the stress.
The benefits of taking an elective outside of MBA courses.