Away in Atlanta | 2022 NBMBAA Conference
Every week of my MBA journey at the Fisher College of Business has been intriguing in its own way – and last week was all about the NBMBAA Conference in the beautiful city of Atlanta.
The Annual NBMBAA Conference & Exposition convenes members, corporate and university partners, and some of the world’s most sought-after thought leaders at the Georgia World Congress Centre for a week of exploration in the areas of education, leadership, career opportunities, and networking connections that enable professional development. It is a premier networking event for MBA students to get in front of the companies for which they dream of working. The event connects thousands of high-potential candidates from hundreds of universities with recruiters hiring for full-time, internship and start-up positions.
We all had a single shot to make a wonderful first impression on these recruiters and gain the opportunity to move closer to the dream. It can be stressful, I promise, especially if you are not prepared and organized. As you might run across someone from a company of interest at any point at the fair, breakout sessions, or networking activities occurring throughout the day, you should be prepared with your CV and "tell me about yourself" (TMAY). Representatives of the company often presume that before visiting their booth, you have done some research and are interested in the business. Prior to attending the trade show, I strongly advise making a list of the top 20-40 target firms and locating their booths on the floor map. I discovered that by doing this, I was able to manage my time at the fair more effectively. I was able to interview with businesses like ADP, Walmart, and J&J as a result, and I was fortunate to be invited to a number of these businesses' exclusive networking receptions. As a consequence, I was able to get my foot in the door with some of my dream brands.
Receptions are an excellent opportunity to even the playing field for students who are intimidated by the size of a networking conference like National Black. If you’re lucky enough to get invited, you can expect to enjoy great food and drinks while learning more about the company and its culture.
MBA is a lot about networking and building relationships and this conference had something for everyone. I found it to be diverse, inclusive, and reflective of Atlanta. It was a great way to not only identify my strengths and weaknesses but also gave me a broader perspective of the opportunities out there. So I am back in Columbus now but with renewed energy, feeling a step closer to the dream.