Category: Full Time MBA

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Anyone who has followed or read my past posts knows I came to Fisher to pursue an MBA in Operations and Supply Chain. Still, the beauty of an MBA is that you have the opportunity to explore your other interests and subjects that can add value to your decision-making. Classes on marketing and analytics sparked an interest and I was looking to further my knowledge in these fields. I recommend the following courses to anyone interested in marketing and analytics:
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  A very important part of any MBA program is providing its students with hands-on learning opportunities. I believe that Fisher does an outstanding job at doing so. Last semester, we had the opportunity as a class to participate in an internal case competition among all first-year MBA students.
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One of the experiences that I was looking forward to the most pre-MBA was the core subject that I am going to be taking up this semester—the Business Lab Challenge. The subject started with a choice among a plethora of firms and companies that had come to us MBA students to work with us and help them solve a problem as a strategy consultant for their firm.
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My passion was to pursue a career in Operations and that motivated me to consider Fisher College of Business while applying given the ranking of the department. My advice to interested students on the top courses would be
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As the first semester of school came to an end, I could see how the business acumen of my peers and I had started increasing, and we started looking at different things from a business perspective. At the same time, we all started discovering the different areas in which we are interested either HR, supply chain, marketing, or finance among many others.