Navigating External Career Fairs as an MBA student: Do's and Don'ts

I recently returned from the National Black MBA Association career fair conference and that has left me buzzing with a ton of inspiration and insights. Career fairs can be a goldmine of opportunities for MBA students looking to kickstart their professional journey or advance their existing careers and as an MBA student, attending such events can be a game-changer, but making the most of them requires careful planning, strategies and etiquette. So, allow me to share some valuable do's and don'ts that I have learned so far based on my recent experiences.

The Do's:

  • Research: Immerse yourself in research before the event. Compile a list of target companies and learn about their mission, values, recent achievements, and job openings. This knowledge not only impresses recruiters but also guides you toward companies aligning with your career aspirations.
  • Perfect Your Pitch: The elevator pitch is your opportunity to make a lasting impression. Practice it until it feels natural. Customize it for each company or recruiter, highlighting your background, skills, and career goals.
  • Dress Professionally: Dress in attire befitting your target industry. A polished appearance conveys professionalism and respect for the occasion.
  • Bring Ample Resumes: Ensure you carry an abundance of up-to-date resumes in a professional folder. Having more resumes than you think you'll need is wise.
  • Network Actively: Don't limit your interactions to recruiters. Connect with fellow students and alumni. Networking can lead to unexpected insights and connections.
  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: Last but definitely not least, never underestimate the importance of wearing comfortable shoes; you are going to be doing a lot of walking around as there will be a lot of companies to get to and trust that 90% of the time you are standing. Therefore, make sure the last thing you must deal with is sore feet as this can impair your professional attractiveness as a candidate.

The Don'ts:

  • Lack of Preparation: Arriving without a plan is a mistake. Define your objectives, target companies, and preferred roles. Wandering aimlessly can result in missed opportunities.
  • Monologue Over Dialogue: While your elevator pitch is vital, avoid turning conversations into one-sided monologues. Engage in meaningful dialogue, demonstrating your listening skills.
  • Underestimate Smaller Companies: Smaller or lesser-known companies often offer unique opportunities. Don't dismiss them based solely on size or reputation.
  • Negativity: Maintain a positive and professional demeanor. Negative comments about past experiences can tarnish your image.
  • Over-Reliance on Online Applications: While online applications matter, in-person interactions at career fairs expedite the hiring process. Don't exclusively rely on online submissions.
  • Neglect Soft Skills: Besides hard skills, employers value soft skills like communication and adaptability. Strive for a well-rounded skill set.

Remember, success at career fairs transcends resume distribution; it's about building relationships and leaving a lasting impression on recruiters. Approach these events strategically, and you'll be on your way to fulfilling your career aspirations. My recent experience at the career fair conference underscores these principles, and I'm excited to see them benefit your journey.