Tags: Strasbourg
Cailey O'Connell shares her first few days in Strasbourg, France as an Student Exchange participant in EM Strasbourg Business School and how she navigated cultural differences and similarities. Her experience an be summed up in this comment: "I was most afraid that I wouldn’t like being away for a whole semester from Ohio State and Columbus, but I was definitely wrong!"
Activities: Academics, Activities: Partner University, Europe, Fisher College of Business, Student Exchange
Diving into a new education system in France on the Student Exchange Program, Antaraa Anandan writes about how she has been able to adjust to the differences between her classes at Ecole de Management Strasbourg and OSU. The thing she enjoys the most is how diverse her peers are in the classes, coming from Argentina, Japan, around Europe, and many more from around the world.

Antarra Anandan describes the obstacles she has been confronting abroad and shares tips to overcome them through personal reflection and pushing outside of her comfort zone! Through her good, bad, and ugly experiences abroad in Strasbourg, France on the Student Exchange Program, she sums up her semester abroad experience as "Gratuity".