Arriving In Strasbourg!

I arrived in Strasbourg, France! It was ​quite the trip to ​get here but wow, has it been worth it. My trip here consisted of about a full day of traveling time. It was difficult planning out what to pack but I would recommend watching a few YouTube videos on those who completed a semester abroad traveling in the past! ​My time was split up between layovers, connecting flights, and meals in between!  Although the traveling was a bit tiring, I was full of energy upon stepping out into France. I didn’t stay jetlagged for long, but I think this was mainly because I was so excited to ​explore Europe, since I hadn’t ever gotten the chance to go abroad before.

So far, my experience abroad has been nothing short of spectacular. I am enrolled in six courses, and I live about a 30-minute walk away from campus. The courses have been extremely different but also really interesting and engaging. The school is a smaller size but that makes it easy to navigate and explore the city at the same time.

The city of Strasbourg is very unique, petite, and quiet all while still being amazing. There are so many similarities between Columbus and Strasbourg, but they are ​also extremely different. I have loved living in a smaller city and having this location as a home base. Since it is so easy to travel in Europe, Strasbourg makes it feel more like a home than some of the bigger cities. The buildings are absolutely spectacular, and the architecture is very colorful. The grocery stores have been very easy to navigate and there is a huge mall nearby in case you ​forget anything. It is funny because there are so many McDonald’s or places like KFC and Five Guys. Even seeing fast-food restaurants that we have back home makes it feel so much more similar. 

Our home is great, and I get the chance to live with three other Ohio State students. We have been able to meet a few friends and become closer with one another as well. We even went grocery shopping, ​went out for dinners, walked to classes, and studied together. ​Striking a balance between working on schoolwork when we need to but still being able to explore and feel at home in this new city ​has been very manageable.

There are a lot of differences between the United States and France, or even Europe as a whole. The language barrier has been difficult in certain places but ​can be overcome. The French have been very inviting, but the culture is different here. Being independent is great, but does take some getting used to. There is so much to explore in Strasbourg, and it is great learning about the differences between the words and actions of the Americans ​and the French. Although the food is also similar ​to the United States, one main difference ​is how France has healthier ingredients and healthier ways of making their meals. Another huge difference is the bakery and pastry shops everywhere on the streets as compared to the United States. It has been great trying different baked goods from baguettes and jam to new pastries that I have never seen before. And of course, croissants are the best!

It is great being in a new place that you don’t know much about and aren’t used to. I have been able to learn more about myself here through ​my interactions with people from completely different places. It is great going to EM Strasbourg because there are a lot of international students that take courses here. We have been able to meet people from Brazil, Canada, Greece, Germany, and even the Netherlands. Everyone is so unique, but it is great finding similarities ​as well.

I was most afraid that I wouldn’t like being away for a whole semester from Ohio State and Columbus, but I was definitely wrong!  Getting the chance for an opportunity like this has been one of the greatest things that have ever happened to me. I don’t ever want to go back home!  Being here has shown me that I would love to move over here later in life or get the opportunity to work globally. I was expecting to miss my family, friends, and school back in the states. I definitely do miss people at times, but I think it is important to recognize how special this opportunity is and how great it is that we get to embark on this type of journey.

I would ​highly recommend studying in Strasbourg or even just vacationing here in the near future. It is a great place with an awesome location, soccer team, and Christmas market area!