Buckeyes in Italy: Industry Immersion Global Lab


If you’ve ever considered traveling abroad during your time at Ohio State, consider this your sign to apply. My recent trip to Italy as a part of the Industry Immersion Global Lab was the most transformative experience I’ve had while in college. In ten days, the group of eighteen students and two faculty members traveled across four Italian cities and visited six businesses.

Why This Program?

As someone who has never traveled abroad before, I found myself both excited and overwhelmed by the different study abroad opportunities that Fisher offers. Ultimately, I found that the Global Lab was the best route for me. I liked that I could travel with a group so that I could be independent, while also knowing that I had others to lean on in times of uncertainty. The timeline of the trip also aligns well with busy students like me. I didn’t have to compromise a summer internship for traveling because I was able to do both. Don’t be fooled- we fit so much into ten days! Lastly, this program aligned the best with my budget. I was able to fund most of my trip through scholarships and you can too.\

For many of us, this was our first international flight!

How to Fund Your Abroad Experience

Financial preparation is very important to make the most out of your abroad experience. Luckily, the Office of Global Business has so many incredible resources for students. I was able to utilize several scholarships and grants to make this trip a possibility. I received support from the Fisher Passport Scholarship, the Fisher Global Grant, and the Wolfe Study Abroad Scholarship. Many students also used STEP funding. If there’s one piece of advice I could give to prospective travelers, it’s to apply to every single scholarship you are eligible for! Take note of what is included in your program fee and plan appropriately. Studying abroad is extremely accessible at Ohio State if you look in the right places. The funding information page is a great place to start!

Some of my favorite meals were INCLUDED in the program fee.

The Cities

Padua was the first city of the trip! After the flight, we immediately began to explore. A few of us tried to find an ATM and order food. We were struggling to overcome the language barrier because it was not a city frequented by tourists. This piece of the trip was eye-opening, and I quickly developed an appreciation for those who are multilingual.  

I did participate in an 8-week language course outside of OSU prior to departure. It’s located in Columbus, but the class was held remotely! I also spent about three months practicing on a language learning app every day for 5-10 minutes. Though not necessary, I would encourage students to spend some time practicing a foreign language. Having a bit of knowledge made me more comfortable in my surroundings, and I could even order in Italian when I had to!

My favorite part of Padua was having dinner with students that attended the local University. I learned so much about Italian culture from our time together that I would’ve never found online or in a textbook. Our conversations felt meaningful and authentic to the Italian way of life.

The next stop, Venice, had beautiful islands and was rich in history. From glass-blowing demonstrations to gondola rides, it felt like a movie! I loved that there was free time to roam in between guided tours.

Venice: The City on Water.

The last two cities, Verona and Milan, blew me away with their architecture. I was especially excited to see Milan as the fashion capital of Italy and it did not disappoint. The glamour was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a student with a minor in fashion. I want to work in a global fashion retail company upon graduation, so this exposure was invaluable. 

Every city we visited had its own personality and story. I loved how culture, lifestyle, and history varied from place to place. I learned how to adapt to unfamiliar areas since our surroundings changed frequently.

Milan is a must-see for anyone interested in fashion!

The Businesses

The structure of the program perfectly blended business visits into our itinerary. We got to go behind-the-scenes of six Italian companies to learn, ask questions, and grow as culturally aware professionals. International business is complex and hard to understand in a classroom setting. I loved how every visit included hands-on experiential learning. From home appliances to designer shoes, we learned about business practices across a variety of industries.

I was able to spot differences and similarities between Italian and American ways of business. I found common themes across all Italian businesses, such as the precise attention to history, quality, and sustainability. We were warmly welcomed by De’Longhi, Rossimoda, Pasqua Winery, Elite, Lago, and Loison.

Hands-on experiential learning

My Takeaways

Traveling abroad gave me a new-found appreciation for international business that I think every Fisher student should experience. I feel confident that this program made me a better business professional. I learned to keep an open mind and to expect the unexpected.

I made close connections and Buckeye friends for life! Together, we encountered the highs and lows of traveling internationally. We even missed our connecting flight home! After spending an unplanned day in New York, we made it home to reflect on this amazing trip. I feel so grateful to have participated in this Global Lab!