Traveling around Germany
Germany is located at the center of Europe, so it is very easy to travel around the continent. Most college students love traveling but because we are college students, we are too poor to afford transportation and accommodation. However, it wouldn’t be the same case living in Germany. Here are some tips:
- Download RyanAir App. RyanAir is a cheap airline that sells flight tickets as low as 9.99 euros. So, if you are planning to travel while you study abroad in Germany or other countries in Europe, you can easily use RyanAir to book tickets. Sometimes the dates are a bit tricky, but you will find your cheap ticket on here.
- Buy a Deutsche Bahn Card. I would recommend people to buy the 50% off card and pay for 70 euros for that, because that means every train ticket purchase would be 50% off. If you travel through the semester, it makes more sense to buy that card and easily save more than 70 euros in the long run.
- Download Mapsme. It is an excellent offline map App where you can download your destination ahead of time, and you can use it without internet. Most importantly, it allows you to save your ideal destinations and you can see the distance within 2-3 seconds.
- Flixbus!!! I am sure most people have heard of Flixbus if they have been to Europe. If the travel location is not too far away, I would highly recommend people use Flixbus so that not only do they can get a cheaper rate, but also it does not require you to interchange. Flixbus also offers free wifi and their bathrooms are typically very clean compared to other buses.
In the past semester, I have traveled to 7 countries, including the Netherlands, France, Hungary, Switzlerand, Italy, Malta and Vatican City, and countless German cities. Inside of Germany, I highly recommend people to visit big cities such as Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and Frankfurt. I also recommend people to go to small cities but with historical backgrounds such as Lübeck, Schwerin, and Trier. Trier is my favorite small city in Germany. As for Europe, every country has its own uniqueness. If I have to pick one, I would recommend people to go to Florence, Italy, they have such rich art culture and history.