Category: MAcc

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Hi everyone! In this blog post, I will be discussing my experience the CareerEQ Podcast, Fisher College of Business's very own career navigation podcast series. 
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Hi everyone! After another month at the graduate level in the Fisher College of Business, I wanted to take a moment to talk about some of the aspects that the MAcc program provides beyond the academics. 
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Hi everyone! While the MAcc program has a plethora of opportunity to deepen your knowledge in accounting and its peripheral subjects, there is more to learn than what is written on the syllabus. In this blog post, I will discuss with you how relationships that I've made with fellow students and our professors have enhanced my learning experience in the MAcc program at Fisher. 
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Hi everyone! With my first blog post of the new semester, I wanted to take the chance to talk about three core classes that all students are required to take in the Fisher MAcc Program!
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In this blog post, I will guide you through some of my most important takeaways, whether academic, professional, or personal, in addition to how the first half of the MAcc program has prepared me for the second half.