Category: Full Time MBA

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What are the primary purposes of career fairs/conferences while in the MBA program at Ohio State, and what can you do to prepare? Here are some great tips for international students who may not be familiar with these types of events.
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My post-MBA reflections on the value of a graduate degree in the professional world.
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Happy Spring, The school year is winding down and I am inching closer to graduation. I wanted to offer some useful tips to combat senioritis and for staying motivated during your business school journey. Senioritis is a common problem that affects many students during their final year of business school. It can be difficult to stay motivated when you're close to the finish line, but it's important to keep pushing yourself to ensure you finish strong. Here are some recommendations for dealing with senioritis:
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This month marks the end of my first year at the Fisher College of Business, and what a year it has been! I cannot put into words how amazing the experience was and how thoroughly I enjoyed being a part of it. I have made some lifelong connections and built some strong networks during the course of this program. Reflecting back, I would love to highlight the plethora of skills that I have acquired in such a limited amount of time.
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In all honesty, it feels like it was just yesterday when I was taking all my business core classes back-to-back. Even though, at this point, I am four short weeks away from my first year as a Full-Time MBA student being over. Somewhere along the way, I learned more about finance, accounting, and operations, without ever having dug deep into the subjects before.