Blog Posts

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In this blog post, I will guide you through some of my most important takeaways, whether academic, professional, or personal, in addition to how the first half of the MAcc program has prepared me for the second half. 
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As I mark the culmination of my journey through Ohio State's Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM) program, I find myself reflecting on the transformative experiences that have shaped my experiences in this program. In this brief reflection, I will touch upon key aspects that make Ohio State's MHRM program a noteworthy chapter in my academic and professional endeavors.
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Hi everyone! I hope everyone is getting through the last few weeks of their semester in one piece before finals season rolls around! I wanted to post about the opportunities that Fisher MAcc students have to get involved around campus. As one of the graduate student ambassadors, I have been receiving numerous questions about ways that students can get involved around campus. 
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In October, I attended the Prospanica Conference in Las Vegas. The event was a whirlwind of networking, resume-enhancing sessions, and interviews with hiring managers. Companies ranging from Fortune 500 to niche players provided valuable insights, and I'm eager to apply what I've learned to secure a full-time position in Finance. The conference also showcased universities, including Ohio State, where I represented my program. Beyond professional networking, the Vegas backdrop added an exciting dimension to the experience.
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Hi everyone! As a Columbus native, I am excited to share some of the things that make Columbus, Ohio one of the best cities in the country. In this blog post, I will introduce you to some of the amazing food, places, and activities that make Columbus more than just a college town.