Fall Semester in Review
This semester is nearing the end as we are all scrambling to complete final papers and exams before winter break begins. One of my goals this year is to intentionally make time in my schedule for self-reflection and personal development. This goal applies to inside and outside the classroom at Fisher. I have scheduled courses that aligned with my personal and professional ambitions. There were a few courses this semester that really stood out to me in the instructor methodology and assigned reading materials.
I enjoyed taking a course earlier this semester called Managing Diversity with Dr. Cynthia Turner who is also Fisher’s Assistant Dean and Chief Diversity Officer. This course aided my learning of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the professional lens. I highly encourage taking this course for every student at Fisher.
The second course I recommend is called Introduction to Organizational Business Coaching taught by Dr. John Schaffner. The course has taught strategies on applying leadership and coaching mechanisms in the professional setting. One of the most influential moments of the course is a coaching session that you complete with a classmate. This exercise provides you with the opportunity to be a coach and to be coached.
The third class I would like to recommend is called New Product Management taught by Scott Griffin who is the director of Entrepreneurial and Talent program. This class was essentially a real-life interpretation of Shark Tank where each team presented a novice product and pitched it to a team of judges from Rev1 Ventures (side note, my team was the winning team!).
By personalizing my schedule, I was able to enroll in classes that were interesting and fulfilling to my personal growth outside of business school. I am very excited to utilize the skills I learned at Fisher and apply them to my professional role.