The Semester of Electives Part 2
This blog is the second part of a blog I wrote two months ago describing all the electives I chose to take in the first session of the spring semester. During the spring semester of the Master of Accounting program, students take almost all electives so there is a lot of flexibility in their coursework. In this blog, I will explain the four classes I am taking this session and why I chose to take them.
Ethical Challenges in Accounting and Business
I have always enjoyed conversations about ethics so when I saw this course on the course offerings I knew I wanted to take it. Also, there is an ethics section on the CPA exam so I thought this class might prepare me well for it. I love the discussion format of the class, every class our professor gives us a topic and some background and then we discuss what we would do in that situation. I like how the class makes me think and makes me defend my opinions. The professor does not force people to participate but welcomes all viewpoints.
Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions
Accounting for M&A is a required class for the combined BSBA/MAcc program, so I had to take it but I would recommend the class regardless given that consolidations are covered on the CPA exam. This class moves quickly but is very interesting. The content is exactly what it sounds like, you learn how to do the accounting for mergers and acquisitions. The class is surprisingly in-depth given that it is only a half-semester course but the professor gives you enough practice to make sure you are keeping up with the material.
Lean Logistics
I took a logistics class last session and really loved it so I knew I wanted to take another one this session. I enjoy being able to think about subjects other than accounting and it has been exciting to build a base in logistics thinking. This course is part of the Working Professional MBA program so it is an online course that meets once a week, with the other half of the learning being self-paced. I liked the flexibility of this course and the opportunity to meet MBA students. The main project of the course involves students going to a place where work occurs and analyzing their logistics process. It was really fun to go out into the world and apply what we learned in class.
Managerial Accounting for Decision Making
As part of the required MAcc curriculum, we took a managerial accounting class in the second session of the fall semester. I really enjoyed the class so I decided to take another one this session. I enjoy how this class focuses on the decision-making aspect of accounting instead of just doing the calculation. The class is very practical and the application is very clear.