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Online banks are known for offering significantly better rates on deposits than traditional banks. New research from the Risk Institute's Isil Erel and her colleagues, examines how changes in federal fund rates impact the actions of online banks.
As the climate changes, extreme weather events are also likely to increase. A survey, conducted by the Risk Institute and led by Research Fellow Brittany Shoots-Reinhard, reveals the role of individual beliefs in sparking action to mitigate extreme weather risk.
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What does the future of AI look like? No one knows. Insights and information from The Risk Institute shows just how difficult it is to regulate such powerful tools — and how some countries and organizations are trying.
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Disasters like the Lahaina fire are a wake-up call revealing how unprepared we are to face simultaneous threats in a warming world.
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Over the past several years, we have seen an increasing focus on climate change and other related environmental considerations from businesses worldwide. Most recently, the unprecedented increase in wildfire frequency and severity has highlighted a new and complex challenge for some businesses. 

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