Tags: Japan

Activities: Culture, Activities: Friends and family, Activities: Landmarks, Activities: Partner University, Asia, Fisher College of Business, Student Exchange
From drinking bubble tea to even belting out, "Let it go!" during karaoke sessions with friends, Haoxuan Zhang shares with us his experiences meeting people and making new friends while study abroad at Rikkyo University. Reflecting on his own experience as an international student at OSU, he shares his message to all Buckeyes: The cultural differences looks scary, but it's not --- If you are a Buckeye who loves sharing and living life, then you should go on Student Exchange!

Activities: Culture, Activities: Food, Activities: Partner University, Asia, Fisher College of Business, Student Exchange
As a self-proclaimed foodie, Haoxuan Zhang, gives advice to students who are looking to grab a tasty bite near Rikkyo University. Join him in his foodie journey while he studies abroad on the Student Exchange Program!

Haoxuan Zhang shares what his student life has been like since arriving in Tokyo, Japan for his Student Exchange Program. He dives into the cultural events offered at Rikkyo University, his dormatory life, and the differences between American and Japanese universities. He recommends Japan as a country to visit if you have never had the chance to experience Asian culture!