Category: Activities: Academics

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Robyn Strauss explained one of her classes "Management of Fashion Companies" at Bocconi University, Italy, as she studies abroad on the Student Exchange Program. From learning a unique perspective of Italian Luxury brand companies in class to working on a group project of a selected Italian fashion brand, she observed business culture of the artistic, passionate, and serious business professionals in Italy, and the difference from the U.S. work culture.
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Curious what academics are like on the Student Exchange Program? Lisa Lin describes her experience studying abroad at Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore, to give you a peek to the academic experience abroad. She explains her coursework pertaining to supply chain, her professional interactions, networking opportunities, and takeaways from studying abroad.
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Angela Fisher describes her Industry Immersion Global Lab program in Italy. She explains how she funded this trip, why she chose the program, the city, the business, and the key takeaway from her global abroad journey.
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"Over the course of the semester, I have had an abundance of professional opportunities and have grown immensely" says Madison Doran studying abroad in Strasbourg France, on the Student Exchange Program. From the classes, to school events, learn more of what made Madison's time at Ecole de Management Strasbourg worthwhile professionally.
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Juliauna Bouknight was delighted to be exposed to many cultural learning opportunities while on the Student Exchange Program to Ecole de Management Strasbourg. Many classes, students, and professors she met in France have proved to further grow her knowledge in international business.