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Hi everyone!As we wrap up the spring semester, I’m excited to share with you one of the coolest experiences you’ll have during your time at Fisher College of Business - the Finance Consulting Practicum (FCP). 
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This semester, I enrolled in a class focused on developing consulting skills for global companies: Global Applied Projects. In this course, I am a part of a team that works hard to support a global company with a strategic project. And here's the exciting part: it wasn't just virtual meetings and late-night emails! During Spring Break, my entire team got the incredible opportunity to travel to Belgium and work with the company in person. Let's talk about both the amazing project and the unforgettable Belgian experience!
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As March draws to a close, I'm steadily approaching the end of this incredible journey at Fisher College of Business. This month has been truly amazing, starting with Spring Break week, which was much needed for reflection and rethinking where I'm headed now that graduation is so close. Networking has become a daily activity, and I genuinely enjoy it. Additionally, I used the time to prioritize our end-of-course project with my group, which focuses on Private Equity Real Estate—a topic that's truly fascinating. I'll share more about this in another post!
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During my time as an undergraduate student, I found my involvement in extracurriculars to be paramount in getting the most out of my time as a student. Jump forward to Graduate school, I carried that same sentiment with me. However, I was hesitant to get involved as my coursework became heavier, and my time outside of the classroom became busier. Once the Call for Candidates was released to my cohort to run for the MHRM Council in November, though, I felt compelled to run for President. And I am SO glad I did!
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Hi everyone!