Author: Rishita Saha

December 06, 2024
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Author: Rishita Saha,  Full-Time MBAAs the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on an incredible journey filled with challenges, discoveries, and growth. Balancing the demands of an MBA program at Fisher College of Business with my roles as a graduate assistant, and student of product management, marketing, and analytics has been transformative.Here are some of the key learnings and insights that shaped my year1.
October 16, 2024
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As summer’s warmth fades and a crisp breeze begins to sweep through the air, Columbus is bathed in the golden light of autumn. The trees blush with brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows, transforming the city’s streets and parks into vibrant, living art. There's something magical about fall—the way the earth seems to slow down, the quiet crunch of leaves underfoot, and the sweet, comforting scent of apple cider and pumpkin spice in the air.
September 16, 2024
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I embarked on a journey to the Fisher College of Business with excitement and a hint of nervousness. I carried hopes, dreams, and a desire to conquer what I knew would be a daunting challenge—earning my MBA. I was well aware of the academic rigor, but the personal and professional growth opportunities that awaited me were equally thrilling and, as I would come to realize, transformative.The first year of my MBA experience was as challenging as it was rewarding. It pushed me to step out of my comfort zone in ways I had never anticipated.
October 18, 2023
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Fall Break Shenanigans!The Full-Time MBA class of 2025 embarked on an unforgettable adventure over the fall break, immersing ourselves in the natural wonderland of Hocking Hills State Park, nestled in Hocking County, Ohio, United States. This captivating park, which borders the Hocking State Forest in some areas, lured us with promises of over 25 miles of hiking trails, awe-inspiring rock formations, enchanting waterfalls, and hidden recess caves.
September 21, 2023
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As the preterm came to a close, Ohio State's Fisher College of Business decided to celebrate the end and foster connections among students with a delightful picnic at the scenic Park of Roses in Columbus. This event brought together 1st and 2nd-year MBA students, professors, and the Fisher leadership team, creating a fantastic opportunity for networking, relaxation, and pure enjoyment.