Level One - Complete: Reflecting on the first year of my MBA journey

I embarked on a journey to the Fisher College of Business with excitement and a hint of nervousness. I carried hopes, dreams, and a desire to conquer what I knew would be a daunting challenge—earning my MBA. I was well aware of the academic rigor, but the personal and professional growth opportunities that awaited me were equally thrilling and, as I would come to realize, transformative.

The first year of my MBA experience was as challenging as it was rewarding. It pushed me to step out of my comfort zone in ways I had never anticipated. From mastering new business concepts and analytical frameworks to collaborating with brilliant minds from around the world, the learning curve was steep but incredibly fulfilling. The MBA program not only shaped me into a more competent professional but also imparted invaluable life lessons that will stay with me forever.

Looking back, it’s clear that the rigorous coursework was just one part of the equation. The interactions with my diverse cohort enriched my experience far beyond the academic realm. Every group project, classroom discussion, and case study gave me new perspectives, thanks to the multicultural backgrounds of my peers. We didn’t just exchange ideas about business; we shared our cultures, our stories, and in doing so, created bonds that will last a lifetime.

Coming from a different country, I initially wondered how I would fit in, but soon I realized that being different was my strength. Fisher College's emphasis on diversity and inclusion provided the perfect platform for me to share my own culture while learning about others. Every day was a cultural exchange—from tasting foods I'd never tried before to celebrating festivals I hadn't heard of until then. These experiences helped me develop a global mindset, an essential skill in today’s interconnected world.

The culmination of my first-year journey came with an unforgettable summer internship at Google, where I worked as a product manager. I worked alongside some of the sharpest professionals in the industry, and the skills I gained—from strategic thinking to product development—were invaluable. This internship not only enhanced my business acumen but also solidified my passion for tech and innovation. I walked away from that summer more confident in my abilities and clearer about the path I want to take in my career.

As I now approach the second year of my MBA, I feel a renewed sense of energy and focus. The foundation has been laid, and I’m eager to build upon it. My goal is to contribute even more to my cohort, my school, and the broader community. Whether it’s through leadership in student organizations, mentoring new students, or driving change through academic projects, I want to leave a meaningful impact on Fisher College and the people I’ve come to know and respect.

I am incredibly grateful for the experiences I’ve had so far and the people who have been part of this journey. Fisher College of Business has become a home away from home, and I look forward to what lies ahead. As I continue to navigate this path, I do so with a sense of purpose and excitement, knowing that the best is yet to come.

To anyone considering this path, take the leap! The journey is demanding but incredibly rewarding. You will not only emerge as a better professional but as a person enriched by the experiences, cultures, and friendships you’ll encounter along the way.