Taking the Leap
As I stared at the empty and silent apartment, a flood of memories came to mind. It was a bittersweet bundle of feelings remembering all that my family and I have lived there. "Leaving so much behind was the right choice?" I asked my self one last time. Moving forward meant jumping into a world of uncertainties after fighting so hard over the years for some stability. It meant to give up a managing position, a salary, a known family routine, and those special places and activities that had defined us.
If you knew how much was involved in this journey, you would understand why I was so emotional. If you were moving to a different country with your wife and two daughters, surrounded by so much uncertainty and challenges, you would probably feel this rollercoaster, too. That moment summarized almost two years of preparation. That was the time I looked at the cards I was holding and made the final bet.
Those who truly knew me, like my mother, argued that as a former exchange student, who graduated as a Doctor of Dental Surgery, worked as a consultant in the field in his early twenties, and yet made the decision to transition into the business and finance world, now accumulating nearly 15 years of experience in managing positions, I couldn´t be more prepared. She was probably right, but let me tell you, holding the responsibility for your decisions affecting the ones you care the most, is the ultimate test of being capable of focusing on a higher goal.
In my last conversation with my wife and daughters, I shared something that I believe they´ll only grasp someday in the future: “This is my gift to you!” In fact, making the choice of achieving great things requires more than one simple explanation. It is true that I had always dreamed of pursuing a degree in a different country, in a distinguished university, and experience a different perspective of the world. However, taking the leap when there is so much at stake demands a deeper purpose. Mine was to show my daughters that they could do anything they put their minds into. I wanted them to remember this moment as the time they were thought to defy given paradigms and to dare. I wanted to engrave in their little hearts the very thing that leaders are made of: "Determination! Only you can keep yourself from moving forward!" This was my way of empowering them for life.
When feelings become overwhelming, you move with conviction, one step at a time, focusing on the little things. The kids were already in the car with my wife waiting for me. Our parents were driving us and our countless luggage to the airport. “Family support is priceless”, I mumbled.
Decision made! I gently closed the door behind me and leaped. Let´s find out what the future holds.
To be completely honest, we´ve had our ups and downs since then. But if I could go back, I´m confident I´d make the same decision again. As you´ve probably heard before, it´s better to try and fail then to never try at all.
I´ll share more about that next time. Until then, I´ll leave you with this: "Aim for the moon. If you miss it, you’ll still end among the stars."