Inside Information: 10 Great Tips for Applicants!
Starting a Graduate Program is a big adventure. No doubt about it!
There are so many decisions, emotions, and actions to be taken. You may have questions about costs, applications, deadlines, daily routine during the program, and so on. It can be overwhelming; especially if you are coming from a different country. If that is your case, let me assure you two things: it will be worth it; and, as our Academic Director Professor Pinteris would say: “You are in good hands!”.
To help you through this process, I´m preparing a series of posts to share valuable perspectives that I´d like to call “Inside Information”. I have been in this rollercoaster for a while now, and I hope to be a friendly partner during your journey.
Let´s get down to business! Let me give you the first and most relevant advice I could give you ate this point.
Show determination!
Yes, it's true! A strong academic background is very important, but I can assure you that attitude also plays a major role. The admission team and faculty are looking for students with sparkles in their eyes. The present cohort is formed by 30 students. This is great to help you interact with all your peers and have more attention from your professors. However, if you want to be a part of a selected team, you must show that you are motived. How can you do that? Let me share what I´ve done:
First, I applied as soon as I could. If you dig through the website, you are going to find that applying early is a good signal that you place a priority on attending our SMF program. In my case, I wasn´t expecting that application started almost a year in advance. In my country, it´s different. Make sure you understand the SMF deadlines.
However, take it from me when I say that applying early isn´t always as simple as it might seem. Gathering all that I needed took time. In my case, it took a few months. If you are an international applicant like I was, do not forget to account for some extra time for certificate and transcript translation, as well as proof of English proficiency, and applying for your VISA. Two selected applicants from my cohort had major issues related to their VISAs. One of them got here late and the other didn´t make it.
I can also assure you that every interaction counted. So, my advice to you is “be sure to show your best self”. It´s very important to sound professional and polite every time you contact university members. You would be surprised how this apparently obvious tip is taken for granted.
I also learned that if you are interacting with a professor, be sure to refer to him/her in that way. It´s an expected sign of respect.
I also planned to visit the university during the application process. It allowed me to personally introduce myself and show how committed I really was.
Virtual Interview
Do you want more? Sure! Let´s talk about the Virtual Interview. It was something new for me, so let me share some helpful tips.
You will be recorded as you answer some preselected questions. Most people are not used to talk in front of a camera. It´s a good thing to practice it. It will certainly help you to feel more comfortable during the interview.
As you prepare, be sure to not memorize your possible answers. It´s important to sound natural as you present yourself
As I started the program, I heard about applicants who prepared their answers based on someone else´s previous interview. Attention! Questions are not the same for every applicant.
Believe it or not, many applicants do not focus on the questions. Be sure to answer what´s being asked. If you need a few seconds to think about it, that´s not a problem. Do not ramble or talk about think unrelated to was asked.
Now, I believe I´ve saved the best for last. This is how I elaborate my answers. Take note; it´s a recipe for your success. Start by presenting an interesting situation; try to be specific. Then, explain your involvement, your role in that situation. Next, explain your action to solve or improve it. Finally, present the results.
I hope that sharing my perspectives and experiences will make your path a successful one. I´ll come back with more. See you soon!