Navigating the Academic Path of a Full-Time MBA

As my first year in the MBA program approaches its end, I've had numerous discussions with incoming students, who shared a common concern: how to choose the right courses. From these conversations, and reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve put together some summaries that might help you as you prepare to embark on this MBA journey.

1. Understanding how the 60-Credit MBA Curriculum looks like in 2 years:

The structure of the MBA is designed to support both foundational learning and specialized exploration, distributed over two years:

  • First Semester, Year One: All students start with a set of core courses totaling 15-18 credits (this number may vary). These classes cover a broad array of business fundamentals, including accounting, marketing, finance, operations, economics, and human resources. This comprehensive curriculum is particularly beneficial for those without a previous background in business, helping you to identify potential career paths and prepare for internships and job interviews.
  • From Second Semester, Year One to Graduation: The curriculum continues to include some required courses but opens up significantly for elective choices, allowing you to tailor your education according to the career track you are most interested in. You’ll also need to meet certain criteria, such as a minimum number of credits each semester and specific requirements for those pursuing a STEM-designated MBA.

2. Resources for Selecting Your Courses:

  • Academic Advisor: This is an invaluable resource for discussing your course selections, understanding graduation requirements, and addressing any academic concerns. Don’t hesitate to reach out to her/him with any of your questions about class registration.
  • Second-Year Students: Reaching out to those who have already navigated their first year can provide you with insider insights. These students can offer feedback on courses and professors and share advice based on their experiences in different tracks. 

Hope this information helps you feel more prepared for your journey at Fisher!