Looking Back at the SMF Program
It seems like this program has flown by. It does not seem long ago when we were starting the SMF program with the two week pre-term class in August. And now, here we are, getting ready to graduate. The seven week classes makes this go by so quickly, but I have learned so much during my experience.
Whether it be from professors, my classmates, alumni, or guest speakers, I know that I have learned so much since August. I now feel ready to head out into the workforce and thrive in whatever challenges I might need to face. Working on so many different types of projects and learning a variety of different materials lets me have the confidence I need to take into my career.
If you are someone considering this program or graduate school in general, here is some advice I give to you: It will not be easy, but that is how you will achieve the most growth. Only go to graduate school if it will help you achieve your career goals. To stay motivated and focused, it is important to be passionate about what you are doing. Lastly, if you go through the program, find time to enjoy it. There are so many opportunities to meet great people and to attend events that pique your interest all over campus and throughout Columbus.
I am so thankful to now be an Ohio State Alum! As always, Go Bucks!