From The U to The OSU
Hi everyone! My name is Victoria Nordquist, and as of Fall 2021, I am a current Masters of Accounting student here at Fisher School of Business. As you may be able to tell from my post title, I did not complete my undergraduate at Ohio State. I went to the University of Miami in Florida. However, I am originally an Ohio native and I'm from a small town near Dayton so I grew up hearing all about the Buckeyes!
I received a BSBA in Accounting and Finance in May 2021, and while I was extremely sad to leave my alma mater I was so excited to get a new start at a new school! Growing up in Ohio, a lot of my high school friends went to Ohio State and I was excited to experience it as well. As I write this, I am finishing up my first month in the program and I have loved every moment! If you are considering doing your Masters at your current school or Ohio State, I would very much encourage you to explore your options and not be afraid to try new things!
As school has started, I have begun to settle into classes more and meet people through group work. The MAcc curriculum has a strong focus on group work, making it very easy for you to meet people within classes. If you are worried at all about being "the new kid", don't worry there are many others from different undergraduate institutions so you won't be the only one out of the loop! Also, fellow students in the MAcc who did go to OSU for their undergraduate are more than happy to help you with any Ohio State related questions! The professors are also extremely amiable and make classes enjoyable, so while you may be sitting in uncertainty they are very approachable and can also help you with any questions you have!
For those seeking other outlets to meet people, there are also various graduate student organizations to become involved in. One of the main organizations is the MAcc council, whose purpose is to essentially help to foster relationships within the MAcc program. I was elected President, and am very excited to see what we will be able to do this year (thankfully in person)! MAcc students are encouraged to participate in the council even if they are not on the formal executive board, so I hope to garner participation from my peers when I can!
While I was nervous at first to be in a completely new place and not knowing many people, I can confidently say that Ohio State was the best decision I could have made for my Masters and I know this will only be further reinforced as the year goes on!