Category: Student Exchange

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Xiaomin Huang reflects on the things she will miss most about living in Vallendar, Germany, as she departs from her semester abroad on the Student Exchange Program --- from her daily interactions with the locals to the fluffy German potatoes!
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Xiaomin Huang shares her academic experience being inspired and enriched studying at WHU. She also shares how she has developed a close knit network of friends abroad in Vallendar, Germany on the Student Exchange Program.
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Connor Koehnke gears up for his Student Exchange Program in Madrid, Spain. The pre-departure process has allowed him to be diligent and understand all the requirements that must be done before going overseas. With his classes scheduled and apartment found, he is excited to see what his time abroad has in store!
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Attending Bocconi University in Italy on the Student Exchange Program, Allison Hoffman was able to adapt and learn different styles of teaching from professors, in addition to incorporating the varying cultures brought into her presentation groups from her peers. Allison also shares what she has gained abroad that she thinks will help her in her future career.
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Allison Hoffman reflects back on her experience on the Student Exchange Program in Italy. She "learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable" while her time abroad. Here is how!