Category: Europe

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Ryan Johnson explains the vast opportunities at Trinity College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland as an exchange student. One of the events he was able to participate in was on an academic research regarding women​s'​ experiences on corporate boards.
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Taking advantage of the resources at Trinity College Dublin, Ryan Johnson attended a career event while on the Student Exchange Program in Ireland. He shares some advice for future undergraduate college students after listening to many master student alumni at the event who works at Meta, Elkstone, and Asana. Some advise include feeling comfortable to make changes, taking advantage of global opportunities, an many more.
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Ryan Johnson guides you thorough some of his travels while abroad in Ireland on the Student Exchange Program! He advises every exchange student to travel around Europe when on the weekends or during breaks, and shares some cost effective ways to travel. He also shares advice on having self-discipline when planning travels to balance budget, study, and travel.
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While on the Student Exchange Program in Ireland, Ryan Johnson attended a guest speaker event in his Social Enterprise course at Trinity College Dublin. He learned about businesses making positive social impact from Elizabeth Suda's jewelry company called Article 22. They are based in Laos and pieces are created out of shrapnel (bomb fragments) by local artisans to help clear undetonated bombs.
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Ryan Johnson shares his experience at Trinity College Dublin located in Dublin, Ireland, the number one university in Ireland. While on this Student Exchange Program, he describes the class (or "module" as they call it in Trinity) enrollment process, class structure, the diverse student population, his class schedule, his struggles and advice to adjust to a new an education system abroad!